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Parties agree to include trafficking, bonded labour in manifestos

LAHORE: The Pakistan Muslim League (N), the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI), Istehkam-i-Pakistan Party (IPP) representatives have endorsed that all political parties should incorporate policy measures regarding trafficking in persons (TIP), smuggling of migrants and bonded labour in their election manifestos.

The consensus was reached at a consultative session organised by the Sustainable Social Development Organisation (SSDO), held in collaboration with the US Embassy on Thursday.

The stakeholders from civil society, government agencies, human rights advocates, academia and the media demanded the political parties show commitment to combating the TIP, smuggling of migrants and bonded labour by including specific and measurable goals in their election manifestos.

Former PTI MPA Sania Kamran and currently a representative of the PPP stated that her party gave priority to human rights.

“We have the agenda to promote the rights of labour and discourage human trafficking and smuggling of migrants in Pakistan,” she stated and stressed that the government must frame rules for every Act, as in the absence of rules, no Act could effectively be implemented.

PML-N representative Uzma Kardar expressed concerns at the children engaged in hazardous work in workshops. She urged the labour department to address the specific cases and highlighted the alarming increase in trafficking.

Former PTI MPA and IPP representative Sadia Sohail Rana termed poverty the primary factor behind bonded labour. She said the political parties needed to develop a plan for skill development programmes.

Former PML-N MPA Bushra Butt, SSDO Executive Director Syed Kausar Abbas, Barrister Haris Ramzan, Prof Dr Farhan Naveed and others also spoke.

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