Press Release details

Sale of novel tobbaco products playing havoc with lives of youth

Rawalpindi-Syed Kausar Abbas, Executive Director, Sustainable Social Development Organization (SSDO), has expressed concern over the sale of novel tobacco products including Velo, e-cigarettes in the market, saying that the young generation is attracted hugely by these products.

These products are also being used in educational institutions which is a big cause of concern parents. At the federal and provincial level, novel tobacco products should be declared as addictive products and immediately banned. In Pakistan, tobacco-related diseases incur huge costs.

He was addressing a capacity building session for the print and electronic media journalists about Noel Tobacco products here on other day.

Journalists from Rawalpindi, Jhelum, Multan and Lahore participated in this training workshop. Sophia Mansoori from CTFC gave a presentation on Novel Tobacco Products and their impact, Program Manager SSDO Khurram Malik gave a presentation on the role of media on Novel Products Control.

Executive Director SSDO Syed Kausar Abbas said that electronic and novel tobacco products, including Velo, are not being produced at the local level, nor are the health-related institutions aware of its dangers.

These products have been banned in many countries worldwide. He also said that these products should not be sold near universities, colleges, educational institutions, nor should they be displayed at marts and departmental stores.

He said that parents should pay special attention to their children. They should check on their return from the education institutions they do not have any such addictive substance. Syed Kausar Abbas said that if you look at the data of international organizations, it is found that the number of smokers in the country are more than 24 million.

Sofia Mansoori from CTFC told the participants that while we do not have data on the use of novel tobacco products at the official or unofficial level, preliminary research conducted at our level shows that till now in Pakistan Every day 1200 children between the ages of 12 to 18 years are being exposed to Novel products, mainly because Velo, e-cigarettes and other Noel tobacco products are easily available at street and neighborhood level markets.

He said that according to a report, Rs 615 billion is the annual health Burdon of tobacco consumption in Pakistan. She stressed that we need to intervene at this stage, including media, parents, parliament (federal, provincial).

At the end of the training workshop, Executive Director SSDO Syed Kausar Abbas and Sofia Mansoori from CTFC also distributed certificates among the journalists.

The Nation

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